music by Giuseppe Verdi
libretto by Francesco Maria Piave

Friday | October 25 at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday | October 27
at 2 p.m.

Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
445 S Magnolia Avenue | Orlando, FL 32801

Sung in Italian with English and Spanish supertitles. Estimated run time of two hours and forty-five minutes with one intermission.

Tickets start at $49.

Age advisory | PG-13
this production contains supernatural elements and moments of murder, violence, and gore



Macbeth, Shakespeare’s tale of ruthless desire set to some of Verdi’s most magnificent music, takes the stage to open Opera Orlando’s season of Destiny + Desire. This all-new production will be led by conductor Mark Sforzini and stage director Matt Haney, both making their Company debuts.

Consumed by the promise of political power and propelled by his ambitious wife, Macbeth, sung by international baritone Norman Garrett, gets caught in a murderous web to claim the Scottish throne. A powerful and emotional work, Macbeth is the opera Giuseppe Verdi declared to be “unlike any other!” There is no love story here, just a darkly riveting scramble to grab power at any cost.

A pre-show talk, for all ticket holders, will be held on stage 50 minutes prior to each performance.
Opera Orlando Ambassadors receptions held before each performance at Dr. Phillips Center.









Enjoy lunch and meet the cast and creative team of Macbeth and get behind-the-scenes insights into the rehearsal and creative process. 

Thursday | October 10 at 12 p.m.
Winter Park Racquet Club

$75 per person



Conductor Mark Sforzini will discuss Macbeth and work one-on-one with members of the Studio Artists program in a masterclass setting.

Friday | October 11 at 6:30 p.m.
Broadway United Methodist Church

FREE and open to the public



Get an exclusive backstage tour of Macbeth at the Opera’s scene shop. Learn more about the design and build process for opera, and be the first to see original sets and costumes being constructed.

Tuesday | October 15 at 10:30 a.m.
Opera Orlando Scenic Shop

FREE and open to the public



A fantastical medieval Scotland 


Macbeth and Banquo, generals in the Scottish army, encounter a group of witches who prophesy the future. They address Macbeth as Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland, and tell Banquo that he will be the father of kings. The two men try to learn more, but the witches are interrupted when messengers arrive with news that Duncan, the current king of Scotland, has indeed made Macbeth Thane of Cawdor. 

At Inverness castle, Lady Macbeth reads a letter from her husband telling her of the events that have just transpired. She resolves to follow her ambitions, while a servant announces that King Duncan will soon arrive at the castle. When Macbeth enters, she tells him that they must kill the king. After having a vision of a dagger he agrees and leaves to murder Duncan. Upon his return, he tells his wife how the act has frightened him, and she tells him that he needs more courage. They both leave as Banquo enters with Macduff, a nobleman, who discovers the murder. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth pretend to be horrified and join the others in condemning the murder.


Macbeth has become king. Duncan’s son, Malcolm, is suspected of having killed his father and has fled to England. Worried about the prophecy that Banquo’s children will rule, Macbeth and his wife now plan to kill him and his son, Fleance. As Macbeth leaves to prepare the double murder, Lady Macbeth hopes that it will finally secure the throne for them.

Outside the castle, assassins wait for Banquo, who appears with his son, apprehensive of strange forebodings. Banquo is attacked and killed, but Fleance escapes.

Back at the castle, Lady Macbeth welcomes the court to the banquet hall and sings a drinking song, while Macbeth receives news that Banquo is dead and his son has escaped. About to take Banquo’s seat at the table, Macbeth has a terrifying vision of the dead Banquo accusing him. Lady Macbeth is unable to calm her unsettled husband, and the courtiers wonder about the king’s strange behavior. Macduff vows to leave the country, which is now ruled by criminals.



The witches gather again, and Macbeth visits them, demanding more prophecies. Apparitions warn him to beware of Macduff, assure him that “...no man of woman born…” can harm him, and that he will be invincible until Birnam Wood marches on his castle. In another vision, he sees a procession of future kings, followed by Banquo. Horrified, Macbeth collapses. The witches disappear and his wife finds him. They resolve to kill Macduff and his family.


On the Scottish border, Macduff has joined with refugees and dissenters of Macbeth. He grieves the murder of his wife and children, but Duncan’s son Malcolm arrives with British troops and leads them to invade Scotland.

Back at Inverness castle, Lady Macbeth’s doctor and her Lady in Waiting observe the Queen as she walks in her sleep, wringing her hands and attempting to clean them of blood. She raves about the deaths of both Duncan and Banquo, descending into madness. At the same time, Macbeth has learned that an army of Scottish rebels backed by England is advancing against him, but is reassured by the witches’ prophecies. Alone in his throne room, he contemplates the fact that he is hated and feared. He receives the news of the Queen's condition with indifference, and rallies his forces as Birnam Wood advances on his castle. 

A battle rages, and Macduff clashes with Macbeth, pursuing him to his death. Triumphant over Macbeth, Macduff turns to Malcolm, hailing him as King. The people sing a hymn to victory, and Malcolm and Macduff vow to restore the realm to greatness.